Monday, 19 August 2013

Rocklands School Trim Trail is ready for action!

Rocklands School is a Special State School in Lichfield and a proud recipient of a new PMD Trim Trail. Developing play is an important part of learning and Rocklands School apppreciate this fact, pushing there outdoor activities with the addition of this new playground equipment. Trim Trail is a must for schools these days as it has many plus points not just in the physical sense but also encouraging children to interact.

Trim Trails come in many shapes and sizes to suit different age groups and abilities. The PMD Monkey Trail installed at Rocklands will give the children a good mix of activities incorporating balance, and strength skills.

If the children should fall off the equipment the rubber grassmats installed are there to protect. Rubber Grassmats allow the grass to grow through whilst providing a protective rubber surface. The bonus with grassmats is that once the grass has grown through the surface returns to its natural look, some would say more pleasing than looking at bright coloured surfaces like wet pour but this is in the eye of the beholder of course!

So well done Rocklands we hope the children have many many years of fun on their new trim trail!

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